First - please be VERY wary of companies who are providing you with the sevice of insurance access. Not all are exactly what they say on the tin. NEVER believe the “no restrictions on practice” line.

Trust, but VERIFY.

Being thrown under the bus at the prospect of a claim is NOT fun.

Independent Midwifery is a lovely way to work. You are able to offer your clients complete continuity in their maternity journey, individualised care, and peace of mind. You have true autonomy, are able to follow the evidence base, fully support and build a real relationship with the families you serve.

I would always say the first step is to contact IMUK. They run “Making The Move” workshops where you can have all your questions answered - membership not required for these. Full membership of IMUK will give you placing on the “Find a midwife” directory, a mentor if you want one, and as much support as you could wish for. This will be a much lower cost than elsewhere, and does not have an end date. It does not take long to build relationships with other IMs, and their forums are excellent places to ask the perplexing questions - there will always be something that crops up.

I have been a member of IMUK since I was a student midwife and can honestly say the support has been unparralleled. There is always someone to talk to, and access to PMAs if required.


Are you a registered midwife interested in becoming an Independent Midwife?